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One cycle is one day and controlled by the hypothalamus. Evaluate the hypothesis that sleep is a restorative process. Teeth Grinding From Causes To Treatments Grinding Teeth Dental Dentistry Which of the following supports the restorative hypothesis of sleep. . The restorative theory of sleep explains that sleep does what. Asked Mar 1 2016 in Psychology by Libby. This chapter presents evidence to support this proposition from nearly 60 reports showing that rates of protein synthesis or of mitotic division are higher at the time of rest and sleep. Important only to the extent that we dont enter a state of sleep deprivation. Which of the following supports the restorative hypothesis of sleep. A hummingbird which has a very fast metabolism sleeps for more. A rabbit which is prey sleeps for more hours per day than a bear which is a predator. Which of the following examples would lend support to restorative the...
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